Fame | Jamie Scott net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Jamie Scott? When is Jamie Scott's birthday? Where is Jamie Scott born? Where did Jamie Scott grow up from? What's Jamie Scott's age?

Jamie Scott Born: February 12, 1984 (age 39years), United Kingdom

How about Jamie Scott's movies?

Jamie Scott Movies: Step Up

How about Jamie Scott's skos genre?

Jamie Scott Skos genre: Pop

How about Jamie Scott's group?

Jamie Scott Group: Graffiti6 (Since2009)

How about Jamie Scott's songwriting partner?

Jamie Scott Songwriting partner: One Direction, Niall Horan, John Ryan, MORE

Who is Jamie Scott one direction?

Scott is one of the main collaborators of UK boy band One Direction, having co-written their hit singles "Story of My Life", "Drag Me Down", "Night Changes", "You & I", "Midnight Memories", "Home", and "More Than This". With One Direction, Scott achieved 5 No.

What is nationality of Jamie Scott?

Jamie Scott was born on 12 February 1982 in Ottershaw, Surrey, England, UK. He is a composer and actor, known for 27 Dresses (2008), Me Before You (2016) and Step Up (2006).

Does Jamie forgive Dan for killing Keith?

After Dan reveals to him he is the person who killed Keith, Jamie feels lost. Lucas takes him to the auto shop where he grew up to tell him about Keith. Jamie later forgives Dan.
